Bioastar Asphalt Primer
Bio Based Asphalt Primer Emulsion Material
BIOASTAR ASPHALT PRIMER EMULSION; it is an economical and environmentally friendly asphalt primer, which consists of biological-based technology, is designed tor effective penetration into aggregates and mechanical substrates, consists of 100% DOMESTIC AND NATIONAL raw materials and is produced as proprietary. 8/0ASTAR has been produced and tested tor the first time in the world in TURKEY, and it is aimed to be used in foreign countries with overseas trials in the coming years.
BIOASTAR is an important technology in our country’s economy because it is produced from 100% domestic raw materials and is more economical than its equivalents.
BIOASTAR stands out with its environmentalist aspect as it does not contain solvents such as kerosene or kerosene that are harmful to human and environmental health
BIOASTAR EMULSION is produced as a concentrate. During application, it is diluted with water in certain proportions according to the climate, site and application conditions. Optimum dilution rates have been determined by us through laboratory and field trials. The dilution rate can be determined by us by taking samples from the base material to be used tor special projects.
- BIOASTAR is designed to achieve better penetration than conventional cut-back primers.
- Formulated with BIO-BASED low volatile organic compound (VOC) solvent technology
- Formulation; can be optimized by appropriate selection of water dilution rate and application rate to achieve target penetration rates.
- At the end of the optimization, BIOASTAR reaches final penetration within 1-4 hours af ter application.
Residue Content (%) | 55% by weight | NONE |
Density at 20° C | 0.99 kg/m3 | ASTM D70 |
Saybolt Viscosity at 40° C | 10-15 seconds | ASTM D88 |
Storage Stability/Sedimentation (24 hours) | < 3% Difference | ASTM D6930 |
Storage Stability /Sieve Test (25 hours) | < 0.1% | ASTM D6933 |
- After the CONCENTRATED BIOASTAR is produced in ourfactory with asphalt tankers ar it requested 1000 Liter IBC
shipped in tanks. - CONCENTRATED 8/0ASTAR At temperatures above 100G can be stocked tor a minimum of 3 months. After 1 month stock period it is sufficient ta mix the product before use.
{No heating needed) - 2-3 days after dilution of CONCENTRATED BIOASTAR
should be used in - Not used within 2 days after dilution
BIOASTAR should be mixed again before use.
{in the distributor, circulation with the pump in the tank ar vertical shaft with a mixer) can be used easily. - If desired, BIOASTAR diluted in our factory
can be shipped ready far use. in such shipments
The product should be used within 2-3 days. lf stock time is longer if it will be long, mixing the product before use must. - By our technical team if requested before the application.
Technical support will be provided.
- KONSANTRE BIOASTAR fabrikamızda üretildikten sonra asfalt tankerleri ile veya istenirse 1000 Litrelik IBC tanklarda sevk edilir.
- KONSANTRE BIOASTAR 10°C’nin üzerindeki sıcaklıklarda minimum 3 ay stoklanabilir.1 aylık stok süresinden sonra kullanım öncesi sadece ürünü karıştırmak yeterlidir.
[lsıtmaya gerek yoktur) - KONSANTRE BIOASTAR seyreltildikten sonra 2-3 gün içinde kullanılmalıdır.
- Seyreltme işleminden sonra 2 gün içinde kullanılmayan BIOASTAR kullanılmadan önce tekrar karıştırılarak
[distribütörde, tankta pompa ile sirkülasyon veya dik milli karıştırıcı ile) rahatlıkla kullanılabilir. - İstenildiği taktirde BIOASTAR fabrikamızda seyreltilmiş kullanıma hazır halde sevk edilebilir. Bu tarz sevkiyatlarda ürün 2-3 gün içinde kullanılmalıdır. Şayet stok süresi daha uzun olacaksa kullanımdan önce ürünün karıştırılması gerekir.
- Uygulama öncesinde istenirse teknik ekimiz tarafından teknik destek sağlanacaktır.