Bitumen Based Hot Applied Crack Repair Material
Developed specifically far repairing cracks and seams in asphalt and concrete roads, alsa by using the overseal/ banding method. Also suitable far sealing joints in concrete and asphalt surfaces. Especially developed far use in areas of hat climate conditions.
BIGUMA ® – RSH has very good pouring and bonding abilities, is stable under direct sunlight, flexible and resistant ta cold. The sealant does not stick ta tyres when driving over the applied surface; deflection is minimised.
Application temperature | Approx. 180° C |
Specific gravity | approx. 1.28 g/cm3 |
Primer | it required COLZUMIX®-Haftgrund |
Supplied in | tins of35 kg |
8/GUMA ® – RSH has ta be heated indirectly and carefully ta the application temperature in a boiler equipped with mechanical agitation, indirect heating and thermometer.
The temperature of the sealant must be thermostatically regulated. it must be controllable at ali tim es.
Overheating of the sealant must be avoided, as this will damage the plasticisers added far stabilisation and improvement, resulting generally in a clear decrease of the softening point (ring and ball).
The existing cracks will either be blown clean under high pressure with hat compressed air lances ar cut/shaped and blown aut afterwards. AlI loose debris must be removed and the asphalt should be warmed in the crack area and consequently the existing bitumen is made sticky. The application of a primer is not necessary when using this method.
lf required (e.g. on concrete surfaces} the primer COLZUMIX ® – Haftgrund which has specially been suited to BIGUMA ® – RSH is to be used. Filling and covering of the joints Normally the sealant will be applied to the crack by means of a scraper. According to the crack dimensions, different widths of scraper will be used. The sealant is thin at the above stated application temperature. it runs into the crack where it combines itself with the warmed bitumen, while a part of the sealant stays on the surface and covers the outer area of the crack. This overlapping achieves protection to the area around the crack and prevents future bond failure at the crack edges especially at low temperatures. Care must be taken that the crack is completely filled with sealant and no sinking occurs. The application thickness of crack sealing is between 2 and 3 mm. Application is only allowed to take place at dry weather conditions and at a surface temperature of the structure of more than + 5°C.
For anti-skid improvement and for visual appearance of the final layer, dry tine gravel (1/3 mm) or gravel with bituminous coating [matched in colour with the existing pavement) should be spread on the hot sealant.